Group theme

So far my group has made some progress exploring our theme even though we are still a little confused about what exactly the end result that we have to present at the end of the module must be.

So far we have been given the theme of exploring each others digital footprint, the trail which we leave behind us though our interests, thoughts and experiences, usually through social media platforms.As a collective group Facebook has been key to how we operate, we set up a group chat and whenever either three of us has any ideas or questions and concerns about the assignment and what we should be doing we message the group chat for feedback from each other. Even though Facebook messenger is a great online communication tool, and I do think it is the best form of communication for our group and the kind of lifes and schedules each of us has, it does have it’s limitations.Because we are  all in different classes to each other and work off different schedules sometimes when one of us messages the group chat it can take some time for the others to read it and provide feedback, and then when they provide feedback it then takes time for the other person who asked the question to come on and see the feedback.There is a lack of flow with the communication because there is a stopping and starting dynamic with us all being online during different hours. Maybe going forward trying to find blocks in all of our schedules where we can all be online together to try and have a more in sync conversation. I believe this is just the reality of working on an assignment through the internet though, people naturally have their own lifes, schedules and responsibility to attend to so timetabling things is always a difficult obstacle to overcome.I think if were to rely on a form of communication such as second life to work on our group project we would have major issues because a platform such as that has so many limitations to access, the main one being you cant access it on your phone. For example when I’m in class and someone messages the group chat with a concern if we were to use second life as our main place of communication I wouldn’t be able to access it until nearly two hour later when i have access to my home laptop. With Facebook messenger I can read it on the bus ride home using my phone.

Personally my goal is to just keep researching into each of my group members digital footprint as well as my own to see what kind of patterns and picture the findings create. Groupwise our main goal is to just keep up to date informing each other of our own personal findings about the digital footprint theme although another issue we are concerned about in how we must present these findings during the last class and how presenting works in second life. Going forward we might try to raise concerns in the next classes about specifically what the theme of the project is and what we should talk about during are presentation as well as how we can present in on second life, just to make sure we are on the right track.

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